The 5 Most Important Characteristics of SON Formula®
Prof. Dr. Maurizio Lucà Moretti MAP Master Amino Acid Pattern®
1. Comparative clinical studies have shown that the use of SON Formula® is more nutritious compared to any dietary protein or protein supplement.
Comparative clinical studies have shown that the use of SON Formula® provides a 99% Net Nitrogen Utilization® (NNU®, the highest compared to any dietary protein or protein supplement. In contrast, dietary proteins usually provide 16% to 32% NNU®. To illustrate: the percentage of NNU® of a dietary protein is the scientific index that defines its specific nutritional value. Therefore, the higher the percentage of NNU® of a dietary protein, the higher its nutritional value and vice versa.
The previously described comparative clinical studies have shown that during the digestion of SON Formula®, 99% of its constituent amino acids follow the anabolic pathway, acting as precursors of Body Protein Synthesis (BPS), thus becoming the body’s constituent proteins. Considering the scientific facts described above, it can be concluded that the use of SON Formula® is the most nutritious in comparison to that of any dietary protein or protein supplement.
2. SON Formula® can be digested sooner and easier in comparison to any dietary protein or protein supplement
SON Formula® is absorbed from the small intestine within 23 minutes of its ingestion. In contrast, dietary proteins usually require a digestion period of 3 to 6 hours (180-360 min). That is, a digestive period 6 to 12 times longer compared to that required by SON Formula®. Considering the scientific facts described above, it can be concluded that the use of SON Formula®, in substitution of dietary proteins, can prevent or minimize, both in time and intensity, the overload of digestive functions.
3. Comparative clinical studies have shown that the use of SON Formula® provides a greater and faster Body's Protein Synthesis (BPS) compared to any dietary protein or protein supplement.
Comparative clinical studies have shown that the use of SON Formula® provides a Body's Protein Synthesis (NNU®/min) equivalent to 99% Net Nitrogen Utilization® (NNU®) in a digestive period of 23 min. In contrast, dietary proteins usually provide a BPS between 16% and 32% NNU® in a digestive period of 180-360 min. Consequently, SON Formula® can generate a BPS (NNU®/min) 24 to 96 times higher compared to dietary proteins or protein supplements. Considering the scientific facts previously described, it can be concluded that the use of SON Formula® provides a greater and faster Body's Protein Synthesis (NNU®/min) compared to any dietary protein or protein supplement.
4. Comparative clinical studies have shown that the use of SON Formula®, as a substitute for dietary proteins, can prevent or minimize the overload of liver and kidney function.
Comparative clinical studies have shown that the use of SON Formula® releases only 1% nitrogen catabolites, that is, the least amount of toxic metabolic waste compared to any dietary protein or protein supplement. In contrast, dietary proteins, during digestion, release 68% to 84% of nitrogen catabolites. That is, 67 to 83 times more toxic metabolic waste, compared to SON Formula®, which must be catabolized through liver and kidney function before being eliminated with the urine. Considering the scientific facts described above, it can be concluded that the use of SON Formula®, as a substitute for dietary proteins, can prevent or minimize the overload of liver and kidney function.
5. The results of comparative clinical studies have shown that the use of SON Formula®, as a substitute for dietary proteins, can significantly reduce the daily caloric intake.
Results of comparative clinical studies have shown that SON Formula® provides only 0.04 Kcal/g. That is, the lowest amount of calories compared to any dietary protein or protein supplement. On the contrary, dietary proteins provide 4.00 Kcal/g, that is, 99 times more calories compared to those provided by SON Formula®. Considering the scientific facts described above, it can be concluded that the use of SON Formula®, as a substitute for dietary proteins, can considerably reduce the daily caloric intake.
Figure 1. Dietary Protein Metabolism
To illustrate: when a dietary protein is digested, it releases its constituent amino acids into the small intestine where they are absorbed. Then, those amino acids can follow either the anabolic pathway (build-up) or the catabolic (breakdown) pathway.

Figure II. The Protein Metabolism Anabolic Pathway
When dietary amino acids follow the anabolic pathway, they act as precursors for the body’s protein synthesis, thus becoming the body’s constituent proteins. Throughout the anabolic pathway, amino acids do not release any nitrogen catabolites or energy.
Figure III. The Protein Metabolism Catabolic Pathway
On the other hand, when dietary amino acids follow the catabolic pathway, they act only as a source of energy and not as precursors of Body’s Proteins Synthesis (BPS). Throughout the catabolic pathway, amino acids do release nitrogen catabolites ( toxic metabolic waste) and energy